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If only (Si lo hubiera sabido)

If only is a Spanish series that is a bit different than anything I’ve seen before. It’s about a woman, Emma, who finds herself in an unhappy marriage and on the night of a blood moon, is transported back in time to undo some of the decisions she wished she hadn’t made 10 years ago.  The problem? While she thought her life would be better and she would be much happier, it turns out you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone. This is the perfect way to sum up the first season. 


Filmed primarily in Sevilla, we see what Emma’s life would be like had she finished school and started up her own business, void of marriage and children. And although professionally she does very well, she still longs for what really matters: love and family.   


I must admit, I found this series rather strange, and at times didn’t find myself wanting to stick through it. I think the plot had the potential to be interesting, but it felt too weird, and I didn’t fully understand why everyone from her past life was still connected in her “new” one. It felt a bit forced for me, especially the ending.  Although I can appreciate how many series are unrealistic and we watch them for pure entertainment, I just couldn’t buy into this series and the story it was trying to tell. Additionally, the acting was just over the top and it felt like it was a sitcom for failed actors, especially at the very beginning. For these reasons, I wouldn’t strongly recommend this show. Whether or not the series renews for a second season, my advice?  Skip it.


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